Hola mi querida familia!
This week went by super fast! The days are getting faster and faster.
On Tuesday the light went out! It was pitch black! All of our recent converts had interviews with the bishop this night starting at 630.. but, when the light went out we had to cancel all of them! Then a half an hour later it came back on.. so we called all of them to tell them that they would have their interviews! But, when we were all at the church waiting.. the light went out again! So, every one went back to their houses! The Bishop bought us dinner and brought it to our house... the light came back on shortly after... but, we didnt leave because we thought it was going to go out again! So, we just ate our dinner and talked and cleaned the house a little bit. It was fun.
Yesterday in church I gave a talk in sacrament meeting about fellowshipping everyone. It was short and sweet.. but, then after.. We did a special musical number... I played the piano to the primary song about When I am baptized. I sand and played at the same time. We practiced mil veces and in the practices it was perfect! But... I dont know what happened to me! I messed up on the second verse and stopped singing and then I messed up the piano and just stopped. jaja it was really embarrassing.. but, dont worry about it.. I will get over it.
Today Elder Toleafoa from Hawaii made our whole zone hawaiian food. It was delicious. Then we had a talent show as a zone.. I sang. It was fun!
Wow, In 5 months I will be at home. It is such a weird thought. I am in the world and yet so far away from the world. I have no idea what is going on out there! It kind of scares me honestly. I am trying to work my best until the end! I am not walking.. I am running! I really love this work. I just know that it will not be the same when I get home.
Yo se que nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama. No se por que, pero hoy me siento muy cerca a El. Todo mi misión he estado cerca, pero cada día aprendo mas acerca de El y de que tan grande es el amor que El tiene por nosotros y estoy asombrada. El ama a Jesucristo tambien, pero por que tenia que sufrir si nuestro Padre Celestial le ama? En las escrituras Nefi mato a Laban. Dice que "Es preferible que muera un hombre a dejar que una nacion degenere y perezca en la incredulidad." Yo pienso que es casi lo mismo... Es mejor que un hombre sufre a dejar que todas las personas sufren.. Nosotros no tenemos que sufrir. Jesucristo ya lo hizo. Solo tenemos que esforzarnos y arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados cada dia. No quiero derramar una gota mas del sangre de Jesucristo!
Yo les amo demasiado! Estoy muy emocionada para hablar con ustedes en 2 semanas! ¡Que emoción!
Feliz semana!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Natalie Paige Bullough
Love you so much! You exude love and enthusiasm! Hope to see you in five months!