Well, This week was CRAZY!
On Tuesday we left our house at 6 in the morning with all of my suitcases! Hermana Caren was so nice! She gave us a ride! I love her! We both cried! All of the missionaries that had changes met up at the terminal! It was so much fun to see a bunch of the missionaries that I know and love! Hermana Mcgill was there with all of her suitcases getting ready to go home. She wrote me a really nice letter to tell me bye! She also wrote me today! I hope you guys get to meet her someday, she is the best, I miss her. I waited FOREVER in the terminal! I was the last missionary in the terminal. I was alone waiting with my zone leaders.. jaja. But then finally my companion got there! Her name is Hermana Fabian and she is from Guate. Our bus ride was 2 and a half hours! Then an additional 30 mintues in another bus! I had so much anxiety with my suitcases! I am definitely going to de junk before my next change! haha It was a big struggle! My area is called Chiantla (Chantla) and it is in Huehuetenango (waywaytenango). I love it SO much here! It is so beautiful! Everything is Mountain. I am literally climbing mountains every single day. Up down up down... But, I LOVE IT! We will be baptizing a family of three this Saturday. I guess this family had been coming to church every Sunday but they lived outside of the area so the sisters couldn't teach them. So, I have been teaching them all of the lessons with my companion Hermana Fabian. I am so excited for them. They are the Familia Bran.
Wednesday morning we had our Zone meeting. There are 18 of us! 14 elders and 4 sisters. 9 companionships. They are CRAZY. I miss La Zona Esperanza so much. I was there for almost half of my mission and we were all homies. When I got there they were all talking slang and in Tu and being obnoxious. But, then we started and an Elder Stood up to give the Mission Manual thought. His name is Elder Amaya. He is SO cool haha He said We are going to read in this page, The Language.. It talks about how as representatives of Jesus Christ we are held to a higher standard with our language. He called on every single one of the people talking in this manner to read haha He macheted all of them.
Thursday I felt really good! I feel like I am finally starting to figure out how to be a missionary. jaja I had heard of an idea before called Plan Mand Ms or Missionaries and Members. So, we made a sheet of paper to give to all of the members to help us in this obra misional. They need to fast and pray about one of their friends to fellowship and introduce to the church.. I will explain more about this later on in my letter. We have been meeting with the Familia Bran everyday and we filled out their baptism registros already! This is the most smooth baptism I have had! They are truly SO prepared by the Lord. Then we had a Noche de Hermanamiento and we had talked to a family earlier in the day and had invited them.. and Hermana Fabian said that the Dad never listened to them before... but, for some reason this day he listened to us and they came to the Noche de hermanamiento! Then after we talked to the Bishop and I asked him for a list of all of the members and we talked about our plans for the ward and everything! I feel like I am really starting off on the right foot here!
On Friday I decided that I am going to start teaching classes of English on Saturdays! Everyone is so excited! Then we went and taught a Jehovah Witness. He just wanted to fight with us. The spirit was not their and I was so frustrated! Did you know that The Johovahs witnesses were started by a mormon? Then we taught Rene! He has been meeting with missionaries for almost 5 years! His wife is a member.. but, this lesson was SO good! My companion shared scriptures and I shared experiences and then I asked him if he knows that the church is true.. and he said he doesnt.. So I asked him if he thinks it is good and he said yes.. SO, I said we have a baptism on the 13th of December. I know that you can know this is true by this date. If you know it is true will you be baptized? and he said yes. So, we put plans.. we told him that he needs to pray, read, and do everything that he can to know in these weeks. I said if by this date you still dont know and you feel like you did everything possible.. then he can live his life buit, if he doesnt know and he didnt do everything possible to know then he will be sad and he will know that he didnt do his best. We went there last night and they have been reading in the scriptures everyday since that day! Wow!
Saturday morning we contacted a family with 10 kids! There dad died a few years ago! We taught them a tiny bit about the Plan of Salvation, and then played UNO. We are going to return on Tuesday with a bunch of the youth from the ward because out of these ten kids 7 of them are the age of YM YW! I had an idea to teach the Plan of Salvation! We are going to play that game where we attatch balloons to the ankles of all of them and they need to stop on the other peoples balloons and the last man standing wins! But, we are going to put pieces of the Plan of Salvation in every balloon and then we will teach it that way. Pray for us.. I am really nervous and I want this family to realize the importance of this!
Sunday was great! I love our ward! We share an area with Elders..but, they live really far away and only come once a month! SO, they came yesterday. I directed the hymns and gave a talk. I talked about the Obra Misional and how the members and the missionaries need to work together! I presented Plan MandMs I told them that every time they bring someone to church that we will give them a packet of MandMs. They all seemed excited! We also put a calendar on the ward bullitin board for them to sign up to teach with us. I also talked about how the clases of English would be a good idea to bring there friends. I read in James a scripture that talks about how it is a sin when we know what to do and dont do it. I told them that they know they need to help us so they need to do it. We had 5 investigators in Sacrament meeting! Then we had a lesson with Nibia and her family. We brought a long Wilmer. He is a young man in our ward... He is SO cool. He will be a great missionary! His testimony is so strong and he is good at intereacting with people.
Today was boring. haha I miss my home zone! I feel homesick from them. We just went to lunch with our Hermana zone leaders! I am reunited with Hermana Call, so that is great!!!
Anyway, everything is so great. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is so true. I know that God has a plan for us and that this is His plan. He loves us, He walks beside us. I love you guys!
Con Amor,
Hermana Natalie Paige Bullough
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