Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Letter 23 -

I love you guys so much! How are you guys?!

Tuesday I hit five months here in Guatemala! How crazy! Missions are SO fast! A miracle happened in the night time! Hermana Garcia wasnt feeling well at all.. and it was 840. She just wanted to go home. I just kept saying 20 more minutes 20 more minutes! I had a feeling that we needed to go see Angel and Rebecca! They are less active members. We brought the short video Gracias a El. It is about the Savior. I love it so much. After we played this video. I bore my testimony about the Savior and so did my comp. She was about to end the lesson when I had the feeling I needed to share Moroni 10 32. I shared it then I flat out asked them Why they werent coming to church. and he burst into tears and said that he had sinned and that he is unworthy to go. But, we talked it out and shared the video again and he cried and said that he is motivated to be better. This is the reason I am on a mission. For moments like this.

Wednesday was crazy. at 545 we woke up to really loud evangelical music. They have these cars with really loud horns that drive around blasting this music when someone dies. Usually they just pass... but, it was there for a long time. Then the music changed to Nearer my God to thee! and started announcing that our neighbor edvin had died! It was SO weird because he had just gotten back from the hospital and looked the best he has ever looked! He was an inactive member, but was coming to church when he got out of the hospital! That night we went to the funeral and I was asked to sing how great thou art. It went well!

Thursday was the actual service for the funeral of Edvin. The missionaries were asked to help. The brothers of Edvin gave talks and talked about the plan of Salvation. So, after we gave out SO many plan of Salvation pamphlets! It was cool!

Friday in the morning we had interviews with President and Sister Smith. I love them a lot! They are good people! President Smith is really strict. But, it is great! Then we went to Sandra Gaspars house and she gave me a cute red skirt! I love it so much! Then.. get this! A baby was found in the street here in San Mateo! Its umbilocal cord was still attatched and its legs were eaten by dogs! It is super sad! I feel like this would never happen in the US.
Natalie and Companion

On Saturday, I fell in the street and scraped up my leg really really bad. Right after that we had lunch with Hermana Lopez and she is a nurse. She cleaned it out. It hurt so bad! I cried! Then that night we taught Elba.. a less active. We just found her this week and she just moved here from Retalileu. She said that she doesnt need to go to church because God knows her heart... OH PLEASE. 
Natalie gets an injury looked at.

On Sunday JORGE CAME TO CHURCH! He is the husband of Jaky! I know that the Lord is preparing his heart. Now we just need to work extra hard and be worthy of the spirit!

Anyway! I love you guys so much! I think about you all of the time!

Hermana Natalie Paige Bullough

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